Dream Watch meets Style Your Space by Alice Lines and Imogen Tunnicliffe

Following on from yesterdays post, you know that I love the work of Citta Designs senior designer Imogen Tunnicliff. As I have said previously, this brand gets better and better with age. So when I heard that Homestyle Magazine editor Alice Lines and Imogen were teaming up to show us how to style our spaces I was all ears. The pair are hosting workshops in Auckland, Hamilton and Wellington. I would imagine these tickets will get snapped up so head over here to find out more and to check out the 'style your space' competition that they are currently running. (Spaces above styled by either or both of the two talented ladies.)

Ive found it, my dream watch! I am a rose gold girl. And after losing my old watch a year ago now, I have been on the hunt since. How seriously awesome are these Rosefield watches from the very cool Madam Fancy Pants? While you are there I would check out all of their other amazingness!

Happy Thursday.

Amy x

Annabell Kutucu

I have always adored Annabell Kutucu hence the reason I am head over heels for this newly transformed apartment in Vienna...