Can I start off by asking you a question please? My question is, do you want a daily post from us here at Milo and Mitzy, something short and sweet each day? Or do you want a weekly mini mag? Say like a once a week mix up post with maybe 4 or 5 features included in the one weekly post? Right, now that I have that out of the way, lets get on with my extremely overdue post.
First up are these charming wee inner city Melbourne apartments designed by Architect company Studio Tate. Contemporary, distinctive living right in amongst the action of it all.
Secondly today, throughout the build up to Christmas I will be showing you some lever and gorgeous gift ideas for your family and friends. Today I am bringing you products from Ashley & Co's new line Gone Green. Perfect for any member of the family. I would be super wrapt to receive and Ashley & Co product under my Christmas tree.
Lastly today I wanted to show you these amazing new bedroom images from the clever team at Nest. I am a huge sucker for a beautiful bedroom, this certainly ticks all of the boxes.
Now, goals for this week... get something up on the blog at least 4 times to make up for being so useless. Wish me luck and check back in tomorrow to see how I am going with that one.
Happy Monday.
Amy x