If you follow
Milo and Mitzy on Facebook you would have seen me post one of the images above
of the work space in this house. Facebook is where I post the one off pictures
that I just absolutely love. Actually takes me a long time to select my
Facebook images. Sometimes I think, right I will quickly post an image on
Facebook and then head to bed... half an hour later I still find myself looking
for the right image to post.

Anywho enough of that, I decided to investigate this house further. I presumed that because it is such an awesome desk/office space that surely the rest of the house must be pretty darn cool. I reckon I was right. Do you?
What do I love? I love the white washed floors. I love the kids room (last 2 pics) especially the bedding. And lastly, I am in love with the furnishings and decor. That couch, rugs, art work and the lighting. Pretty swell I think.
Achieve a similar look using products such as above. Pop Factory Night Time Pillow, IKEA PS cabinet, Mint Six Wall Dot, Zuca Replica Eames chair and LET LIV striped floor rug.
Happy Monday.