Shoot, hump day already. Apologies for my absence. We have been under the weather a bit in my household. Spring they say? It is feeling very much like the middle of winter today which is not great as we have new little lambys being born by the hour on our property at the moment. It is fair to say, I may have a couple of new pets come this afternoon which I am sure the kids will be happy about. Actually funny I mention that, Milo and Mitzy was actually named some 6 years ago now after my 2 pet lambs in the paddock, Milo the male and Mitzy the female. Id just had this crazy idea to start a blog, I could hear my hungry lambs in the paddock, and so it begun. And yes I wish I could change the name now a days to something a little more professional sounding, but what can you do, right?

I have always admired the work of New Zealand interior designer and freelance stylist, Amelia Holmes. Amelia has worked closely at times with architect firm Ferron Hay, whos project I watch closely also. Her style is on trend yet individual and her ability to source unique pieces to suit each property is right up there.
I have featured New Zealands Duffle & Co previously. I wanted to share some of their new product with you today. The reason being, number one, I flippen love their work. I am so partial to tan leather its not funny! And two, I am getting organised for Christmas early this year, that's right.... Christmas (Mini freak out right there) I am getting one these Duffle & Co bags for the husband and I am going to fill it with a few of his favourites, such as coffee beans, a summer tee and some bathroom products. Do I sound organised or what? And is that not the best gift for your other half??
Lastly, I am posting an image of my own living room because, A - I love love love our new sofas from Early Settler and B - I need to get some new cushions. If you want to talk cushions, drop me a line. Id love to hear from you. Stay warm.
Amy x