Art. More specifically displaying art. Its something I have been thinking a lot about recently. I love displaying art in my home, but how to hang it is my big question.

Ive tried it all, believe you me. Ive tried the bull dog clips. I have given washi tape a go. Ive tried poster rail frames and the most common of all, I have a cupboard full of cheap frames that have half broken on me. I had all good intentions of supergluing them back together, but you know what? I have come to the conclusion that its really not worth it. When it comes to art, paying a professional is definitely the way to go in my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I love a good bargain, but you wouldn't believe how many beautiful pieces of art have been ruined in my home, due toddlers running around and me having not protected them as they should have been.

Over the years when I have taken art to get it framed professionally, my go to has always been Edges Workshop in Havelock North. The best framing shop ever and did I mention they also have the coolest prints to purchase, also. They have a small online store that you can check out here or you can also keep up to date with their latest news over on their facebook page. I highly recommend a visit if you are ever in town. These guys do an amazing, extremely professional job whatever the brief and have framed for some pretty solid artists too might I add.
Amy x