I have been working with Dulux NZ lately and I can honestly tell you that it has been a fantastic experience. If anything, its me that's the slow one! DIY takes time. Frankies room was the first room that I made over in our new home. When I say new home, we have been here for two years. Like I said, all good things take time, especially with toddlers at your feet!
Dulux were amazing to deal with. I am no painter and tend to rush my decisions so I took the time to talk with Tina of Roomie who is a Dulux colour consultant. She pointed me in the right direction when it came to what white to use and I also seeked advice on which mustard yellow to go for in the stripe.
I ended up using Dulux Okarito for the white which I am super happy with. Im finding this colour fresh and bright with no yellow under tones. I wanted to give off a fun and inviting feel with a touch of vintage so I added art works from Concrete Blush, Misery Guts and Margeret Petchell. The gorgeous linen duvet cover is a Cultiver Linen blush pink from Gathered. I added some gorgeous belly baskets from Miss Molly Coddle and the rug is a very cool black and white rug from Trade Aid.
I look forward to showing you my laundry which is nearly done and then onto Patchys room. I am eyeing up my bathroom after that. I can hear the husband in my head saying finish one job before you think about starting another, bla bla bla!
Oh and one last thing, excuse the photos etc, this took a bit of guts to put my own home on the blog. I am super fussy about what goes on the blog and believe me I am no photographer nor am I a stylist but it is something that I am working on so that I can show you more from my own home.
Amy x